KnoopPunt Member of APC
KnoopPunt was a "Full Member" of the Associoation for Progressive Communication.
APC has been operating as an international, membership-based organisation since 1990 having a strong mixture of Southern and Northern organisations.
APC is implementing global and regional information and communication technology (ICT) projects to raise awareness, build capacity, tools ( ActionApps application a collaborative web publishing tool for non-profits) and information resources to strengthen civil society participation in decision-making.
It outlines the rights of people to use the internet freely, particularly in their work for social, economic and environmental justice.
APC was pioneering in the use of Internet for NGO's and emancipatory movements Just a grip:
Corporate watch (Corporate Watch), empowerment of women (GenderIt), education ( Community Education Computer Society (CECS), South Africa), media watch ( Foundation for Media Alternatives (FMA), Philippines), envirnoment issues (Econnect, Greennet), community networking (c2o Community Communications Online), peacekeeping (Zamir, Peacenet in a Warzone ).
APC has evoluated from a pioneering international organisation based on the grass-root movements and NGO's to a well established organisation with Category One Consultative Status to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
APC has indeed done some historic work at the United Nations connecting NGO's to the Net.
Meanwhile, the role of media-activism on the Net is taken over by many others but APC is still strong in supporting women, especially in the South to get on the Net.Read more about KnoopPunt implementing low-cost-technology, telecommunication and internet pioneering, media-activism and laboratory for... well the famous hacker 'Red Attack' was a former KnoopPunt member. But in the end he got hacked also ;-)
But for all KnoopPunt was a telecommunication facilitator for NGO's, in a global world... anti-globalists avant la lettre. We organised a lot of IT training installed networks and made client-oriented user-interfaces. More on Low Cost Technology