About Evolution of Homo Sapiens

in Nederlands

Longreads PDF (EN)

  1. Selfdomestication Homo Sapiens (last update: 09/02/2025)
  2. Stone Age Ecology (last update: 13/02/2025)
  3. Sociology of Hunter and Gatherers (last update: 19/02/2025)
  4. Economy of Hunter and Gatherers (last update: 13/02/2025)
Hunter and Gatherers Diet
This infograpic was mad for the research project "Dosage analysis of the 7q11.23 Williams region identifies BAZ1B as a major human gene patterning the modern human face and underlying self-domestication" by an interdiciplinary group of researchers. It was published at Science Advances, Volume 5 | Issue 12, December 2019.

Longreads PDF (NL)

  1. Was de Homo Sapiens wel de slimste (last update: 03/02/2025)
  2. Misvattingen over natuurlijke selectie (last update: 09/02/2025)
  3. Zelfdomesticatie Homo Sapiens (last update: 09/02/2025)
  4. Ecologie Jagers en Verzamelaars (last update: 13/02/2025)
  5. Sociologie Jagers en Verzamelaars (last update: 19/02/2025)
  6. Economie Jagers en Verzamelaars (last update: 13/02/2025)
  7. Ontstaan van de landbouw in Europa (last update: 25/01/2025)

in English