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KnoopPunt: Capacity building & Training
To give an idea of our activities besides being an Internet provider for NGO's
I give some examples of training, building user-interfaces and information design.
- We organised a lot of training. We trained cooperants of NGO's who worked in the South, but also people of all kind of Non Profit Organisations like library people. One of KnoopPunt's demands was: free Internet access in libraries. Well it is realised now.
- Cdrom about Energy Saving for GreenPeace and brochure
- Some of the organisations KnoopPunt was connected with
Antenna in Nederland, GreenNet in Engeland, Green Spider in Hongarije, La Neta in Mexico, Pangea - Comunicacio per a la Cooperacio in Spanje , Institute for Global Communications, US, RITS (Information Network for the Third Sector) in Brazilië , Union of International Associations, Media Resistance, De Belgische Esperanto Liga,
- Some of the organisations KnoopPunt worked for
Amnesty International, Artsen zonder Grenzen, Amnesty International, Bevrijde Wereld, Bolivia Centrum, Broederlijk Delen, Dimitra, Esperanto Liga, FAIB Federation of European and International Associations , Forum voor Vredesaktie, FOS, Handicap International, Greenpeace, IAPCo, International Youth Hostel Organisation, IPIS Research, KWIA, Media Resistance, Mother Earth, NCOS of 11.11.11, Oxfam, Oxfam Wereldwinkels, Pax Christi, PROTOS, Union of International Associations, Vlaamse vereniging voor Bibliotheken, Vrede, enz.